Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Moving Van Just Left
Yep. It's official. I packed up my blog and moved across town. The new location is a bit roomier and has more space for bigger photos and better blogging. Please come and visit and let me know how you like the new diggs.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
College . . . So Soon????
I've long been friends with Valarie and Mike. Valarie and I worked together when I was still in a "DINK state of life". She had an adorable little girl name Tori and sometimes, as I made my way through photography classes, I would ask her model for me. As a "non-mom" at the time, I didn't have a lot of friends with children so Tori was a little trooper posing, while I fiddled with f-stops and lights and learned my craft.
The other day Valarie called and asked me if I could do some really quick headshots of Tori because she needed to submit them with her college applications. "COLLEGE" . . . I just about yelled. "IMPOSSIBLE!" . . . another high decibel shout. Time goes so fast . . . especially for us adults as we watch the children around us toddle, run, drive and then leave us for colleges near and far. My own little girl and boy will be needing headshots for college someday and I have to say, that will be a very sad day for me.
Here is Tori, once a little seven-year-old model holding a bunny, now a young woman going off to college. We did these headshots in a few minutes right in the neighborhood with some nice creamy natural light. After the shoot, Tori, Valarie and I plopped down on the floor to chat about what she'd like to do for her senior portraits. Can't wait to shoot those . . . we've got some great ideas for cool urban locations and poses.

family portraits,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Scary Stuff
Spiders, snakes, earthquakes, flash floods, horror movies, Godzilla, dark alleys . . . bring it on. I can take it all. However, the most frightening thing a photographer can hear is, "We need a self portrait for our bio section." Yep, that's the phrase that strikes fear in the hearts of many of us shutter bumping kind. It's intimidating and it forces you out of your comfort zone. It also makes you think about how you want others to see you (or not see you). On top of all that, it's tough to know when to shoot 'cuz you can't see your face when your shooting you. All your focus work has to be done with a stand in, to get the focus correct when you push your remote shutter release.
I've had this idea about shooting a model behind lace. It's something I saw in an old Edward Steichen portrait of Gloria Swanson and I've never forgotten it. There is something mysterious about the veil of lace and hey, veils of lace cover a lot imperfections too. BONUS!!!
So here it is, or here I am . . . don't throw any rotten tomatoes, 'kay?

black lace,
self portraits
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Bob and Bosley
So I finished up the editing on the portrait session for Bob and Bosley and I just had to post a few of my favorite shots from the session. We got a wide range of emotion from those little pooches and to think they had no prior modeling experience (hee, hee). Ya gotta love the blue tint on Bob's fur . . . not too many male poodles could pull off that look which such style.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Dogs Etc.
One of the very awesome aspects of my job is the interesting people that I get to work with. Once again combining my love of photography and dogs, I recently had the chance to do some promo shots for a funky, fun and fabulous dog trainer Cindy Scott of Dogs Etc. She needed something with a different look than the standard trainer next to dog shot, so we played with lighting and of course . . . a couple of members of her pack Bosley and Bob. Here are a couple pix from the shoot with many, many more that are just so stinking cute!!! Love ya Cindy! Bosley and Bob are definitely headed for stardom.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
"Dam"ask My New Background Looks Good
I got a cool new background and I tried it on the dogs (see previous post) so now I thought I'd recruit a human . . . my adorable, able and oh so willing assistant/model Sophia. Don't you just love the range of emotion??
1. A rich patterned fabric of cotton, linen, silk, or wool.
2. A fine, twilled table linen.
3. Damascus steel.
4. The wavy pattern on Damascus steel.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
When I Get Bigger
When I get bigger
I'm going to get a dog like a puff dog
and name it wafles.
I'm going to get a brown dog and name it syrup.
I'm not getting married.
I'm going to be a writter.
by: Sophia Scarsi (age 6), July 23, 2009
I think she has a lot of potential. The need for creative expression runs in the family . . . I guess.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Christmas Portraits in July
Since I'm running a little Christmas in July (or August) promo, I thought it would be fun to show everyone in internet-land the results of one of these sessions. Now there is one more family that will not have to worry about Christmas card photos 'cuz they are all done. (aren't you jeaous)
The family lives in Pasadena so we thought it would be fun to shoot near their home. As usual I chatted with the mom about what her goal was for the session and she wanted a nice traditional family portrait outdoors with maybe a few that were not totally traditional. She also thought it would be a good idea to get the kids by themselves for Christmas cards or gifts. We talked about what they would wear and she picked some nice coordinating outfits that all worked well with a special dress that "grandma' had given to her little girl. I also wound up getting a few shots of each child individually (which is my favorite kind of shooting) and I'm pretty sure the family will love these . . .

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pupcakes and Pet Portraits
If you know me . . . you know of my love for furry faces. Much to the chagrin of my husband (who conveniently faked liking animals while we dated) we have our own little menagerie. This little zoo includes but is in no way is limited to Ginger, the couch-eating-Dalmatian and Buddy the Chi-? mix from Tijuana. They are both rescue pups who lived on the street and now rule our couch. We love them and can't imagine life without them. Even John (my husband) adores them . . . most of the time. He even enjoys their treats that are shaped like little realistic-looking cupcakes*, but I promised I would not blog or FB how he mistakenly consumed one of these recently, so don't bring it up if you bump into him ; )
*Our yummy pupcakes were purchased at Le Woof Bakery in Yorba Linda

pet portraits,
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Bit of Sunshine in the City
We decided to do a session in downtown Fullerton. There are lots of cool walls and doorways where I like to shoot. Her mom said she was going to be shy and that it might take a while to get her to warm up. Little "S" didn't seem to have any problem with getting her portrait done. I'd say the warm up time was about 2.2 minutes at most. She was such an beautiful little girl and so sweet. This was one of the most fun photo shoots I've ever done. We kept right on going with wardrobe changes until we literally ran out of good light. Don't you just love her funky high tops with the urban background?

downtown fullerton,
urban photo shoot
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Cruising for a Cause
It's no secret that I'm a big animal lover. Additionally, I just turn to mush for big brown eyes of almost every kind. So this summer, I've donated a session/portrait package to the silent auction to benefit the Pacific Marine Mammal Center. The fundraiser is called the Sea Lion Sunset Cruise Fundraiser and it's a 3-hour harbor cruise that takes place on Thursday, July 23rd 2009 from 6-9pm aboard the Endeavor Yacht in Newport Beach. If you are interested in going the tickets are $45 and include dinner, a silent auction for really cool stuff (including a session and a 16 x 20 wall print from me), gaming tables, and a great raffle opportunity. All funds go towards the purchase of fish and medication for those big-brown-eyed cuties, the marine mammal patients. To find out more about the fundraiser call 949-494-3050 or go to AND if you go, please bid lots of money on my portrait package so that we can hook up and make some really amazing portraits of your cuties (no matter what their eye color).
Not my photo but these are two sea lions that were treated at PMMC and released. They lived happily ever after : ))
Newport Beach,
Pacific Marine Mammal Center,
Monday, July 6, 2009
Christmas in July (or August) Promotion
Yes, I'm giving you all a hearty nudge with egg nog* in one hand and my camera in the other. Why not get your Christmas portraits done now? You're not shopping for 78 gifts. You are more rested, a bit tanned and less stressed. The sun sets later in the day so we can even do outdoor sessions with good light after work hours. And if all that isn't incentive enough . . . I'm offering $100 off the session fee or package to anyone who completes a session in July or August.
Now you're saying how very nice of her. She is such a giver. In reality, I'm just trying to get a jump on things so that I'm less stressed right before the holidays. You see, everybody wants portraits for the holidays. The thing is everyone puts it off until the very last second and then it's a mad rush . . . a rush for you, a rush for me, a rush for my labs. So I thought I'd try this "summer incentive" thing and see if I can give everyone the gift of peace (and more time to shop later when it all gets crazy). * I lied, I can't find egg nog anywhere this time of year.
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