I've long been friends with Valarie and Mike. Valarie and I worked together when I was still in a "DINK state of life". She had an adorable little girl name Tori and sometimes, as I made my way through photography classes, I would ask her model for me. As a "non-mom" at the time, I didn't have a lot of friends with children so Tori was a little trooper posing, while I fiddled with f-stops and lights and learned my craft.
The other day Valarie called and asked me if I could do some really quick headshots of Tori because she needed to submit them with her college applications. "COLLEGE" . . . I just about yelled. "IMPOSSIBLE!" . . . another high decibel shout. Time goes so fast . . . especially for us adults as we watch the children around us toddle, run, drive and then leave us for colleges near and far. My own little girl and boy will be needing headshots for college someday and I have to say, that will be a very sad day for me.
Here is Tori, once a little seven-year-old model holding a bunny, now a young woman going off to college. We did these headshots in a few minutes right in the neighborhood with some nice creamy natural light. After the shoot, Tori, Valarie and I plopped down on the floor to chat about what she'd like to do for her senior portraits. Can't wait to shoot those . . . we've got some great ideas for cool urban locations and poses.

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