Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mama's Little Helper

Mama's Little Book of Tricks
Occasionally, I come across a book that makes me (and my kids) jump up and cheer.  This little hunk 'o paper is worth it's weight in gold.  My only regret is that I wish it would have come out sooner (and that I would have found it sooner.   With many tips on how to handle boredom (inexpensively and  without a lot of hoopla) in different situations, it can become a lifesaver for any mom or dad.   It will now be one of my standard baby shower gifts and I think I need to buy a couple of copies and use them for a contest on my blog.   Whaddya think?  If you just gotta get it right away go to Amazon and pick it up pronto.  BTW, this is not a paid advertisement.  The photographer recommending this book (a.k.a. me) is not getting any kind of perk from recommending this book.  I just had to tell all my mom/clients about it because it is oh so helpful.   From one Supermom to another . . . live long and prosper.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Paramount Ranch

OK,  so I've been reminded by a few folks,  I'm behind in my blogging.   I've been busy.  Got a backlog of fun images to post.   Just a couple of weeks ago, a photographer and friend, Jen May, organized a photo session at Paramount Ranch.   What a fabulous spot to do a portrait session!!! Without too much convincing and bribery a friend agreed to make the trek with me to get her portraits done and I'm  so glad  she did.  Not only is she incredibly beautiful, but her look just seemed to fit in with the whole country feel of the place.  (although when you look like Olivia, you look good ANYWHERE and you make anywhere look good).   

The ranch is a state park now, but many movies and TV shows have been filmed there over the years. If you're interested mosey on over to for the full back story.    Olivia and I had a lot of fun out at the ranch taking pictures and enjoying the great facades.   Here are just a few of my faves.   

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Zoee's Slide Show

Since Zoee seems to be developing quite a fan base I thought I'd post her slide show. Those ears!!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cute Little Sisters

Late last week I did a session with two very sweet little girls. In addition to their sweetness though, I got to get a glimpse at their budding personalities which is what I love to do. I wanted to break free from the typical "all pink" type of background and attire, so we went for bold use of color and a damask patterned background. I like mixing it up a bit and who could possibly strike out with such adorable faces as the subjects.

The baby was spunky and all about running the show. You can tell she had us all in the palm of her chubby little fingers. The Big Sister was smart, sensitive, reading each comment and situation and thinking it all through. While she was so very quick to smile and look exceedingly girly, there was this one "Mona Lisa" smile that summed up her personality so very well.